How to Create and Manage Pages on Blogger

A Blogger blog needs a ‘About us’, ‘Advertise Here’ or ‘Donate us’ section and it’s pages option is the way you could do that. Creating and managing those pages are easy as creating a post in the blog. Very recently; Blogger updated its dashboard and made changes in the ‘Pages’ tab for the purpose of making the page management easier for the bloggers.
Because of this change now you not only can create or change a page; also you will get smart stats about the pages. You will not have any problem to adapt with this new change because it’s almost exactly like managing posts for your blog.
In this post you will know how to create and manage pages in your blogger blog thoroughly appropriately.
Changes in ‘Pages’ Tab of Blogger
The new changes in pages tab by blogger will allow you;
- See which pages are where; whether in draft, imported, or published section.
- Get information like; page views, comments count, publish date; the author/user who made the page.
- With the selection tools manage multiple pages.
Creating a New Page in Blogger
For creating or edit a Page in blogger follow these instructions;
- Go to ‘Pages’ in your blogger dashboard and click ‘New page’. If you want to edit a existing page; then select the page (move the mouse cursor to the page) and click ‘Edit’.
- Now in the editor, write you page. if you want to add JavaScript or other functionality then go to the ‘HTML’ tab of the editor. Also give a tittle.
- Your Page Tittle will be used as permalink in blogger.
- If you are done click publish but before you do that do consider applying the following tips.
Adding Meta Tags and Description to a Blogger Page
Before you Publish your page you should add Meta/Search description and Meta tags. Blogger easily lets you to change the meta tags.
- On the right side of page editor you will find ‘Search Description’, ‘Options’ and ‘Custom Robots Tags’ sections under ‘Page Settings’.
- Write a description that suits you page and click ‘Done’.
- In ‘Options’ section; if you don’t want to receive comment for the page just change the ‘Reader comments’. Only change others if you need to.
- In ‘Custom Robots Tags’; at first you will see ‘default’ is ticked. If you need to change; uncheck ‘default’ and make your necessary change. Read our post about meta tags in blogger to get an idea about them.
- If you cannot find them and want to use ‘Search Description’, and ‘Custom Robots Tags’ sections under ‘Page Settings’. First you will need to enable blogger’s meta description or search description and custom robots header tags.
Using Blogger Pages Widget
For adding links or widget with links to you pages in your blog you could;
- Go to ‘Layout’ Tab of your blog and click on ‘Add a Gadget’.
- Find the ‘Pages’ widget, customize it to you need and click ‘Save’.
- To get a Horizontal list, add the Pages Widget under the Header of the blog and for a Vertical list, add a Pages Widget to a side column or sidebar.
Or; if you use a custom navigation menu you will have to manually add them. Hope these information helped you to understand the blogger pages. Please do share and comment if you are facing any problem regarding blogger.