3 Common Mistakes in Comparing WordPress and Blogger

WordPress and Blogger are two platforms which are always compared but three common mistakes you always make in comparing WordPress and Blogger.
Starting a new blog? Then like many you too are comparing the WordPress and Blogger platforms. You cannot deny the fact that both are great option in their own right.
In comparing Blogger and WordPress everyone is making three mistakes. And there is no room for mistake as you are going to live with this decision for a long time. Once you make your decision on based on so not well thought comparison, there is no turning back.
Every time you are comparing WordPress and Blogger you are making the following three mistakes;
1. The comparison should not be Blogger vs. WordPress
The ‘Blogger vs. WordPress’ comparison fails to paint a clear picture. It should be Blogger vs. fully hosted WordPress blog (WordPress.com) or Blogger vs. self-hosted WordPress (WordPress.org).
In WordPress.com you do not need to concern about finding web server, hosting or any software installation, backup and security as long as you pay for a very reasonably priced subscription packages. It also allows you to create and run a free blog without any cost but it comes with few unbearable limits i.e… no advertisement in a free hosted wordpress site for you.
In WordPress.org your website’s hosting, software installation, maintenance, backup, security, installing plugins and other admin activities responsibility is totally yours. Meaning you will be running a self-hosted WordPress blog or website. This requires more technical knowledge as it gives you a full control over the site.
WordPress.org actually provides you the WordPress software which you need to place in web-server, provides plugins which will increase functionality of your blog and also provides themes for you to use in your self-hosted WordPress site.
You can say choosing WordPress is like buying furniture. You can pay all the expenses for its delivery and setting it up in your house or you can do that on your own. Though at the end of the day you are buying furniture; there is a significant difference between these two.
One should know clearly understand the dissimilarities of WordPress.com and WordPress.org to compare Blogger and WordPress. Blogger do not have separate wings like WordPress.
2. Asking which one is better for SEO,WordPress and Blogger
Most common question in comparing the WordPress and Blogger is which one is better for SEO. The many say WordPress have the upper hand because of many available plugins for it. Some suggest that Blogger is better as it is a Google product. Both assumptions are excitedly inaccurate.
WordPress might had some advantage over Blogger in SEO but it all changed when Google updated the Blogger and added some very easy to use SEO settings in the Blogger dashboard.
In reality none of them have advantage over another in SEO. Your blog will not rank higher in the search engines like Google just because you choose WordPress or blogger platform.
In both platforms you have to do on-page SEO work by yourself. Just by adding some plugin in WordPress doesn’t take care of your on-page SEO work. Also changing a few search preference settings in the blogger dashboard doesn’t mean that the SEO work is done for your Blogger blog.
Here is the head of Google’s Webspam team Matt Cutts in the video replaying to question regarding Blogger and WordPress SEO comparison in Mar 5, 2013.
You can’t magically shrink your SEO responsibilities just by adding a plugin in WordPress and changing options in Blogger. Neither platform is more suited to SEO requirements from another. It’s your job to do the SEO for your blog and it is not easier in Blogger and/or WordPress.
3. Asking which one better WordPress or Blogger rather than which one suits you
The smart thing will be to find out which one is more suited to your current needs. But people always ask which one better and the most common answer is WordPress.
It is because it is the right answer. Both WordPress.com and WordPress.org are better than Blogger; but it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better for you particularly.
Running a WordPress blog requires more technical knowledge, coding knowledge and in most cases money out of your pocket. Not that running a Blogger blog doesn’t need those but in very small quantity. You can run a fully featured Blogger blog with little to none technical and internet knowledge. But for those are new to blogging, WordPress will be intimidating and complicated.
You should compare both platform which fit to your budget, your website’s or blog’s nature, you technical know-how.
For example; a free hosted WordPress blog do not allow you to run any advertisement on it and a 99 dollar subscription fee per year will require lifting this ban. However in a free hosted Blogger blog is free from any such restrictions.
Actually it looks like a there are three different options here for you to start a blog; 1.Blogger, 2.Wordpress.com or hosted WordPress website and 3.Wordpress.org or self-hosted WordPress site. So, just comparing WordPress and Blogger will not paint the full picture.