How to Add and Customize Contact Form in Blogger Blog

Add, customize, and beautify the design of the default Contact Form Widget or Gadget in your Blogger Blog according to the nature and type of the blog.
Last year, Blogger introduced the ‘Contact Form‘ widget/gadget and it became very popular with blogger users. Most Blogger users use the ‘Contact Form’ gadget as it gives the blog a professional look without any expense of time, energy, and money. Messages received by this form go directly to your inbox so that you can reply quickly and easily.
In this article, you’ll find all possible ways of adding and customizing your blog contact form; we will take a closer look at the following:
- How to add the ‘contact form‘ gadget in Blogger blog simply.
- How to show the gadget on a particular page/static page/URL of the blogger blog.
- Customizing the style and layout of the gadget.
Add and Show Contact Form Gadget in Every Page of Blogger Blog
If the nature of your blog requires you to show the contact form on every page, then follow the instructions below:
- Go to blogger dashboard of your blog > layout.
- Click ‘Add a Gadget’.
- A window will open titled ‘Add a Gadget‘.
- Go to More Gadget > Contact form.
- Edit the title if you require.
- Click Save.
- You may drag and move the ‘contact form‘ gadget in layout page of the blogger dashboard to a suitable position.
By doing this, the gadget will be loaded in every page. If CSS codes available; it will adapt to the existing style of your blog. If you want to use any of the customized styles given below for show gadget in every page of the blog then:-
- Copy the CSS code and paste it before
Or; Copy the CSS code without the<style>
and paste before</b:skin>
. - For the HTML part;
- Go to Go to Blogger dashboard > Template.
- Find
- It will look something like this.
- Replace it with the given HTML codes and save template.
But it is not wise to show contact-form is every page of any website or blog as it will attract spammers.